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Economy 19/01/2025 Over 1.3 million Uzbek citizens work abroad

Over 1.3 million Uzbek citizens work abroad

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( — As of early 2024, 1.9 million Uzbek citizens were working abroad. However, this number has since decreased to 1.34 million, according to the Migration Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan.

In 2024, negotiations were held with 240 major employers across 36 countries, resulting in cooperation agreements with 122 of them. As part of efforts to ensure labor migration and protect the rights of citizens, 26 intergovernmental and interagency agreements were signed.

Since the beginning of the year, the number of Uzbek citizens working abroad has decreased from 1.9 million to 1.34 million, with most regions seeing an increase in the number of individuals returning home. Nevertheless, 162,000 citizens were employed abroad through the Migration Agency and private employment agencies over the year, a figure four times higher than in 2023.

By early 2024, the number of potential employers and recruitment agencies collaborating with the Agency had reached 384. To prepare specialists for work abroad, 62,300 citizens underwent training, with 55,100 acquiring professional skills and 7,200 learning foreign languages. In 2025, plans are in place to train 40,000 people in foreign languages and 60,000 in professional skills.

Particular attention is being given to training specialists to meet international standards. Training based on German standards will begin at 14 medical colleges across the country, enabling graduates to obtain B2-level certificates and international diplomas. These qualifications will significantly simplify employment in Germany’s medical sector.

Another key initiative involves establishing a welding training laboratory in Spain and modernizing construction centers. The number of professional and language training courses will be increased in collaboration with foreign employers. Major companies participating in these initiatives include Simson Private Akademie (metalworking, Germany, 1,000 positions), SHB West (automotive services, Germany, 2,000 positions), Hyundai (shipbuilding, Korea, 1,500 positions), and Samsung (shipbuilding, Korea, 1,500 positions). A total of 13 joint training courses will be organized.

As part of diversifying employment destinations, 10,000 Uzbek citizens were employed in new markets, including Poland, Croatia, Belgium, Slovakia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

In 2024, a "One Employer — One Region" principle was introduced. This initiative assigns specific employers to each region, reducing costs for citizens and making employment information more accessible through direct meetings with company representatives in local areas.

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