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Uzbekistan 25/03/2022 Decent working conditions are highly valued internationally
Decent working conditions are highly valued internationally

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- On 25 March this year, an international conference on the theme "Decent work is the basis of a sustainable society" was held.

The discussion focused on issues of ensuring employment of the population, creating decent working conditions, and introducing international standards into labor relations.

The international conference was attended by representatives of large companies and enterprises, associations that are members of the Confederation of Employers of Uzbekistan, as well as relevant international organizations and diplomatic missions of foreign countries in Uzbekistan.

The conference began with a video message from the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Chairman of the National Commission for Combating Human Trafficking and Forced Labor Tanzila Narbayeva.

In her speech, the President of the Senate noted that in recent years, thanks to the firm political will of the head of state, the system of labor relations has been radically reformed, effective cooperation has been established with representatives of civil society and international partner organizations, in particular, with the International Labor Organization in this area.

It was noted that in 2018 the Confederation of Employers of Uzbekistan and in 2019 the Republican Tripartite Commission on Social and Labor Issues were established, which function effectively in the context of reforms carried out in the field of labor relations and employment, in creating decent working conditions based on the principles of the International Labor Organization.

The creation of the Confederation of Employers of Uzbekistan contributed to the full establishment of trilateral cooperation in the field of labor relations in the country.

In addition, it was emphasized that in the practical implementation of the principles of decent work in our country, the National and Territorial Commissions for Combating Human Trafficking and Forced Labor, established in 2019, as well as the establishment of the Institute of the National Rapporteur on these issues, played a special role.

It was noted that the National Commission in its activities focused on improving national legislation and the organizational and legal framework, implementing international standards, developing institutional frameworks, systematic analysis of the effectiveness of ongoing work in the field and a systematic approach to solving existing problems, as well as establishing effective cooperation with representatives civil society and relevant international organizations.

Uzbekistan, together with the International Labor Organization, has successfully implemented the priority tasks identified in the Decent Work Program in Uzbekistan for 2014-2016, which was extended until 2020. In September 2021, a new country program on decent work in Uzbekistan for 2021-2025 was adopted.

It was emphasized that in this program special attention is paid to such issues as the creation of decent working conditions, the reduction of informal employment and the strengthening of social protection, and the improvement of the legal framework governing labor relations.

During the event, it was noted that on 10 March 2022, it was decided to end the call for a global boycott of Uzbek cotton, announced in 2009 by the international coalition "Cotton Campaign", which serves to enter the Uzbek market of the world’s leading textile industry enterprises and foreign investment, create new jobs and new opportunities for millions of people.


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